
Synbiotics vs Disinfection
Killing unwanted micro-organisms is no longer the solution. Antibiotics and disinfectants (biocides) result in microbial resistance and instability in the microflora. On contrary, the Synbio technology ensures a stable, healthy microbiome by stimulating good microorganisms. The high number of pre and probiotics in the products immediately increases the number of good bacteria on the surface (after all, the probiotics are good micro-organisms themselves). The prebiotic sugars stimulate the already present good micro-organisms through delayed action. Prebiotics are sugars that can only be digested by good microorganisms. In this way, the Synbiotic cleaners “give food" to the already present good microorganisms. This promotes the diversity of the microbiome in a positive direction. Synbiotic cleaners provide an efficient, long-lasting cleaning solution and stimulate good, stable microbiology.Info PageKilling unwanted micro-organisms is no longer the solution. Antibiotics and disinfectants(disinfectants/biocides) result in microbial resistance and instability in the microflora. On contrary, the Synbio technology ensures a stable, healthy microbiome by stimulating good microorganisms.The high number of pre and probiotics in the products immediately increases the number of good bacteria on the surface (after all, the probiotics are good micro-organisms themselves). The prebiotic sugars stimulate the already present good micro-organisms through delayed action. Prebiotics are sugars that can only be digested by good microorganisms. In this way, the Synbiotic cleaners “give food" to the already present good microorganisms. This promotes the diversity of the microbiome in a positive direction. Synbiotic cleaners provide an efficient, long-lasting cleaning solution and stimulate good, stable microbiology.
Moving away from Disinfectants.
There has been a worldwide movement away from traditional disinfectants and for good reasons too:
Harmful Chemicals - Most disinfectants contain chemicals that are harmful to us humans and our planet. Therefore, filling our indoor environments with harmful chemicals to try and protect our health isn’t a great idea.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) – We’ve all heard the term “Superbug” at some point, which is a simple way of describing a situation where a pathogen is resistant to the treatment of Antibiotics and Disinfectants. The European Commission estimates that within 30 years, more people will die from Antimicrobial Resistance than cancer! This is serious stuff.
Resistant pathogens are everywhere, and the more you try to disinfect them, the more resistant they are likely to become over time.
It’s a little secret, but the vast majority of the available disinfectants were never tested against pathogens that carry the resistance genes before being released to the public.
That’s the same as if Tesla released autonomous vehicles without testing them on roads with cars.
Biofilms – Are slimy shelters that pathogens form to protect themselves against disinfectants. Disinfectants are unable to penetrate biofilm structures, and the pathogens use these safe-havens to multiply in great numbers and share their DNA.
Cleaning Application – Let us imagine for a minute a surface that has no biofilm formations and no resistant pathogens. Our ability to sterilise this surface now depends on our ability as cleaners. This means that unless we apply the disinfectant on 100% of the surface, some pathogens will still survive. Covering every inch of the surface might sound simple enough to do, but imagine having to cover 100% of every surface in your office during a cleaning shift It’s impossible.

Killing the “Good Guys” - Normally, having pathogens left on a surface wouldn’t be such a big deal because you have good bacteria that can help stop their spread. But when we disinfect, we also kill the good bacteria so we are then left with little to no protection against pathogens and nothing to stop them from spreading rapidly in great numbers.
“Bacterial Dead Zones” – Now let’s imagine that there were no biofilm formations, no resistant pathogens and that we managed to effectively disinfect 100% of the surface. We killed everything!
We are then left with a surface that is vulnerable to whatever lands on it first either from the air or through direct contact. Take your hand as an example, which most likely contains pathogens, and imagine you touching your desk, mobile phone, door handle etc. These pathogens that were transferred from your hand will now multiply and occupy that surface until it is disinfected again, which is often only 24 hours later.
Filling Indoor Spaces With Life
By cleaning with Synbio Shield products, we are filling the spaces with life and installing a healthy microbiome that can reduce the risk and spread of pathogens even more effectively than conventional disinfectants.
So, rather than trying to eliminate all microbes, it is more effective to replace the bad ones with good bacteria. These good bacteria consume the available nutrients on a surface, leading to the starvation and elimination of pathogens.
Because our products are Synbiotic, they contain not only good bacteria, the Probiotics, but also Prebiotics, which are sugar-based nutrients that can only be digested by good microorganisms. Thanks to them, our probiotics continue to clean and occupy the surfaces up to five days after we apply them.
Our strains of probiotics weaken and destroy existing biofilm formations and prevent new ones from forming.
Scientific research has also shown that using suitable probiotic strains can make you 10,000 times less likely to contract a virus!
Also, remember those “superbugs” we mentioned before? Scientific research has also shown that suitable probiotic strains can reduce the presence of resistant pathogens by 99.99%!
Our Synbio Shield cleaning products are 100% safe to be used around children and animals.
Our Probiotics are not just environmentally friendly (meaning they cause no environmental harm) but rather ENVIRONMENTALLY BENEFICIAL because they actively contribute to water treatment and the maintenance of natural microflora.
They also come in super-concentrated bottles, so they will help you save hundreds of plastic bottles each year.

Watch how Probiotics are changing Healthcare as we know it!